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3 Reasons to Get an Electrical Safety Inspection for Your Estero Home

3 Reasons to Get an Electrical Safety Inspection for Your Estero Home

You may have noticed that the cost of electricity in Estero and other parts of Southwest Florida have skyrocketed in recent years. While there's not much homeowners can do to combat power company price surges, finding and replacing outdated electrical wiring may help.

Cutting down your energy bill is only one reason to get an electrical inspection. Other reasons have far more to do with the safety of your home.

At Powerhouse Home Services, we offer an electrical safety inspection to all of our customers. You deserve to live in a home that is safe from undue risk caused by electrical problems.

Ready to learn more? Here are three reasons to get an electrical safety inspection for your Estero home.

1. Reducing Fire Hazards

Did you know that electrical problems are one of the leading causes of house fires? One of the scariest things about electrical fires is that you may not know that one has started until it has gotten out of hand.

Anything from an improperly installed electrical outlet to an overloaded circuit can spark an electrical fire. Oftentimes, these threats are hidden behind walls or panels, or aren't identifiable to the average homeowner. A professional electrician will spot these issues right away and report them to you so that you can make the right upgrades.

2. Finding Outdated Electrical Wiring

Outdated electrical wiring is another source of electrical fires that homeowners may not notice on their own. While you might recognize certain signs, like two-pronged outlets that don't support most of today's technology, you're not likely to notice outdated internal wiringespecially if it's been hooked up to three-pronged outlets.

Fortunately, most of Estero's homes are newer than things like knob and tube wiring. However, that doesn't mean that your home is free from wiring that isn't up to today's electrical codes and needs replacing. Once again, a professional electrical safety inspection can save you a lot of trouble.

3. Buying a Safe Home

You don't have to be the current homeowner to request an electrical safety inspection. If you're considering buying a house, you can typically hire inspectors of your own to weigh in on the decision.

Regular home inspectors will look for obvious electrical problems, but they may not perform a thorough electrical inspection. Next to foundation issues, electrical issues can be one of the most expensive to fix, so it's in your best interest to uncover electrical problems before buying a house.

Book Your Estero Electrical Safety Inspection

If you haven't gotten an electrical safety inspection for your house (or a house you want to buy), consider this your sign to do so. As you can see, electrical inspections can make the difference between a safe and updated house and a dangerous one.

Ready to book your Estero electrical safety inspection? Contact Powerhouse Home Services, where we can power up your generators, HVAC systems, electrical wiring, and more.
