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The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Home Electrical Services

The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Home Electrical Services

There are a lot of new homeowners out there right now. After all, people purchased over 6 million homes just in 2021.

What's the first thing that most people do when they buy a home? They renovate. Of course, renovations routinely run over budget.

As the bills mount and the money gets tighter, a lot of people decide that they will DIY their renovations. While that can work for some projects, taking a DIY approach with your home electrical services isn't just a bad idea. It's a dangerous idea.

Wondering what can go wrong? Keep reading for some of the key dangers in DIY electrical repairs.

Personal Risk

One of the most pressing dangers of working on your own home electrical service is the risk of personal injury or even death. The average homeowner doesn't possess the training to safely handle all of the potential situations they can find with their electrical system.

For example, the types of wiring found in old houses aren't always consistent with the wiring found in modern construction. If you don't know what you're looking at, you could touch the wrong wire at the wrong time and face electrocution.

Fire Risks

People often underestimate the risk of an electrical fire in the home. Yet, over 50,000 home fires are electrical fires.

When you take on an electrical repair yourself, rather than calling a professional, you dramatically increase the risk of an electrical fire.


It's not universal, but it's a common practice for either a state or city to pass a law requiring that a professional electrician do any major electrical work in a home. Granted, that doesn't usually extend to things like light fixtures or changing out an electrical outlet.

For a big repair like upgrading your electrical panel or new wiring, you need professional home electrical repair services.

Insurance Coverage

Like it or not, insurance companies will look for reasons that let them avoid paying your claim. If you conduct DIY electrical repairs in your home and there there is an electrical fire, the insurance company can use that as a reason not to pay.

Costly Repairs

Let's say that you do some electrical work in your home and get it wrong. That faulty work can end up doing substantial damage to your home's electrical system.

Then, you'll need a professional electrician anyway. On top of that, the repair work for the damage will almost always cost substantially more than simply calling an electrician in the first place.

Avoid DIY Home Electrical Services Work

DIY home electrical services work can look like a cost-saving measure, but it's inherently dangerous. DIY electrical work puts you at risk for electrical burns or electrocution.

It's also dangerous for your home because faulty electrical work can cause electrical fires. Insurance companies may deny claims if you DIY electrical work. DIY electrical work is simply illegal in many places.

Plus, you often end up paying more for repairs on DIY fixes.

Powerhouse Home Services offers residential electrical repairs and services in Naples, FL, and the surrounding area. For more information or to schedule services, contact Powerhouse Home Services today.
