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Top Signs Your Home Needs a Generator Replacement

Top Signs Your Home Needs a Generator Replacement

Consumers experienced on average, eight hours of power outages in 2020. Your home generator system is one of the best investments you can make to deal with this problem.

There's nothing more frustrating than having a power cut at the most inconvenient times. With a home generator system, you are guaranteed to have electrical power no matter what is happening with your power company or the weather. 

However, even generators of the highest level of quality still need replacement with time. Here are some of the major signs that you need generator replacement.

One too Many Repairs

One of the major signs that you need a replacement for your generator is when you have to keep repairing it often. A generator that needs repair more than once or twice a year is signaling to you that it is about to stop working altogether. 

If your generator starts breaking down every time you use it and you need to get repairs then you should consider buying a new generator.

Old Age

If you've had your generator for a long time and use it every year, if it starts malfunctioning regularly, it is a sign that it has used up all the hours that it was designed to be in use.

Once this happens there's nothing you can do to save it. It may start to lose power regularly or be difficult to start at critical times. These are all signs that you need to have your generator replaced.

Higher Fuel Usage

Using a higher amount of fuel is one of the common generator issues you will encounter when a generator is malfunctioning.  When you calculate all the money you will need to spend on fuel and even replacing some of the parts, it may be more cost-effective to replace the generator with a new one. 

Generators can last for several decades and as long as you buy one that is of high quality, you will be enjoying your investment for a long time.

Power Is On and Off

One of the main reasons you have a generator is to ensure that you have a steady stream of power even when there are power outages.

If you are using your generator and you notice that the power begins to flicker or it goes out altogether, it is a sign that you need to get the generator replaced.

Generator Replacement Signs

When it is time for generator replacement you will receive signs from the unit. Knowing these signs will make it easier for you to know when you should repair your generator versus replacing it. 

A generator that requires frequent repairs or uses too much fuel is showing you signs that it is about to stop working altogether. Similarly, if your generator is old and works on and off it is time to consider a replacement. 

When you are ready to replace your generator do not hesitate to contact us.
